high school picture
We come from the days of Tie Dye's and bell bottoms, peace signs and flower power. Most of us couldn't imagine being as old as 35...and now, we are ALL 60-ish and holding!!

I am sure it's been an interesting trip for everyone. I hope the time you spend on this site brings back some happy memories. I hope that dreams forgotten might be remembered, old friends found and new ones made.

Most of all, I hope this time in your life finds you well and happy.
Please enjoy the site.

CLICK HERE and Friend us on Facebook Join our group... See the pictures from the 45th

Former classmate Gary Poulton passes

Hey everyone... John Tracy is working on updating the 72 class email list, if you could email him at jrtracy54@cox.net with your current email addy, it would be greatly appreciated.

We still need email addresses! If you’ve been procrastinating, now is the time! Please email us, at any of the following:
Lisa Decker
Emery Macgirvin

Help Us Find Missing Classmates Click Here for a list

Take time to look at the missing classmate list and see if you
can help us locate people. If you know anyone on the list that is now deceased, we
would like that information as well. Contact us
"Click to send E-mail"


Click here for
The Hutchinson
High School
Alumni Association
(HHSAA) web page
